The «Caspian Engineering Company» conducts the laboratory researches of soils, earth, ground deposits. Accuracy and reliability of all results will be provided by qualified specialists, the modern equipment and technologies. The data, obtained as per results of analysis have an official character and can be provided to any supervisory authorities. Laboratory researches of soil are conducted for definition of their structure on physical, chemical, mechanical), a tension of soil, uniformity of a bedding as on depth, and the area. All researches are conducted in strict accordance with the existing state standards and norms – is confirmed by existing certificates.
Type of Analysis, Conducted in Laboratory:
- Content of dust-like and clay particles (hydrometrical method)
- Humidity of soil (drying method up to the constant weight)
- Limit of fluidity and limit of plasticity
- Soil density (method of cutting ring)
- Soil density (weighing method in water)
- Density of particles of soil (bottle method)
- The maximum density at optimum humidity (method of standard consolidation)
- Content of organic impurity (method of dry burning)
- Organic-carbonate
- The angle of slope in sandy soil
- Characteristics of settlement
- Soil resistance to a cut, corner of internal friction, specific coupling (method of a one-plane cut)
- Resistance to not drained shift (method of monoaxial compression)
- Deformation module (method of compression pressure)
- Three-axis compression
- Suffozion compressibility
- Swelling and shrinkage
- Filtration coefficient
- Heave rate
- The soil density (method of the cutting ring)
- Soil density (weighing method in water)
- Density of particles of soil (bottle method)
- The maximum density at optimum humidity (method of standard consolidation)
- Content of organic impurity (method of dry burning)
- Characteristics of settlement
- Soil resistance to a cut, corner of internal friction, specific coupling (method of a one-plane cut)
- Resistance to not drained shift (a method of monoaxial compression)
- Deformation module (method of compression pressure)
- Three-axis compression -
- Unconsolidated undrained
- Consolidated undrained
- Consolidated drained
- Suffozion compressibility
- Swelling and shrinkage
- Filtration coefficient
- Heave rate
- Maximum molecular moisture capacity
- Swelling capacity
- The coefficient of bearing capacity of soil
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