The Caspian Engineering Company has a license for a right of carrying out of engineering surveys.
Caspian Engineering Company is the company which is carrying out a full range of services in the field of geologic-geophysical, engineering survey works, in which a highly qualified personnel works. The company applies a hi-tech technique, the latest equipment and devices for performance of services.
The company carries out an activity in the field of geological provisions, aligned with study and development of mineral resources on the shelf and inland waters.
The Caspian Engineering Company has a modern equipped infrastructure: a complex of production buildings, special bureau, port in Bautino village and production base with the accredited laboratory, equipped with the modern equipment, research vessels, sea and overland drilling rigs, modern geophysical and telemetric equipment. Specialists of our company are developing and creating the unique technical means, new techniques which allow to perform a complex geological surveying and survey works on the shelf, in transitional zones and on land.
"External policy" of our company is based on cooperative endeavor and to a constant exchange of knowledge — both in scientific, and in commercial area — with all interested parties. Active search of cooperation opportunities, in total with scientific authority and reputation of reliable partner are embodied in participation of our company in scientific and technical programs and projects.
The integrated system of management of company is certified for compliance with international and state standards: STK RK ISO 9001-2009 "Quality management system", ST RK ISO 14001-2006 "System of ecological management", ST of PK OHSAS 18001-2008 "System of professional safety management".
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