Activity of the company is directed on performance and satisfaction of a wide range of inquiries of our Clients. It is reflected in proposed set of specialized equipment and latest equipment, technologies of works and methods of analysis of received information. Strategy of our company is the integrated and individual approach to everyone, which helps to expand the range of our Clients.
The Main Divisions and Types of Company’s Activity:
- All main types of geological-geophysical researches;
- Engineering-geodesic works;
- A complex of hydrographic and geophysical surveys, including the engineering-geological researches (EGR) of the sea, land and transit zone;
- Laying of a route of FD to well drilling area;
- Positioning of FD at points of well drilling;
- Topographic-geodesic, cartographical works;
- A complex of interpretations with construction of volume geological models;
- Design and exploration works for construction;
- Services of chemical analysis laboratory;
Services rendered by Company:
- Provision of research vessels and servicing vessels, equipment for performance of sea works;
- Provision of equipment for works performance on land and a transit zone.
The following types of works are included in structure of hydrographic and geophysical surveys:
- Bathometry (surveying);
- Sonar inspection of a bottom (survey of relief of a bottom of the sea);
- Magnetometry (Magnetometry survey);
- Seismoacoustic profiling;
- Seismic prospecting works.
The following types of works are included in composition of geotechnical researches:
- Drilling of engineering-geological wells;
- Static penetration test and cone penetration test (CPT, SPT);
- Sampling (packing, transportation and storage).
The complex of laboratory researches is carried out in own certified and accredited laboratory of the company according to the international standards (BS, ASTM, GOST)as per results of survey works . An interpretation complex for development of the final report is carried out by skilled specialists of the company.
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